Nourish Yourself Recipes

Berry Delicious Elixir Smoothie
12 ounces frozen berries (I recommend
blueberry, blackberry & raspberry combo)
2 tablespoons of chia seeds
2/3 ripe avocado
1 cup hot filtered water
1 teaspoon Heart Elixir
1 teaspoon juniper berries
A) put frozen berries, chia seeds, juniper
berries and avocado in blender
B) mix Heart Elixir in hot filtered water, pour into
C) blend together until smooth and creamy,
pour into a glass and enjoy!
Iced Elixir Latte
Put into glass:
1 teaspoon of Heart Elixir
3/4 cup of filtered water
1/4 cup of nut milk
(Optional: a dash of maple syrup)
Whisk ingredients together with a frother
Finish with adding ice
Warm Heart Elixir
Put into mug:
1 teaspoon Heart Elixir
1 cup of hot filtered water
Whisk together
What’s in the Heart Elixir?
- Gynostemma (Jiao gu lan) and Salvia Miltiorrhiza (Dan shen) have been used in Asia to assist in regulating general blood flow through the cardiovascular system.
- Hawthorne Berry (Shan zha) and Astragalus (Huang chi) support vital “Upright Chi” benefitting the free flow of the body’s vital energies.
- Goji (gou ji zi) (Lycium chinense) and Longan (Long yan rou) nourish the blood.
- Red Reishi (Ling zhi) and Albizzia flower (Ye he hua) nourish and fortify the Heart spirit, and are said to help one overcome heartbreak, anxiety and stress.
- Lo Han Guo (monk fruit) this longevity fruit is for nourishing the sweetness in our hearts.

Heart Elixir is a premier powdered extract blend of super-tonic herbs used safely and effectively throughout Asia for centuries to support the vital flow of blood and Chi through the heart. This combination of herbs is formulated according to the precepts of the Chinese Materia Medica. Heart Elixir contains concentrated 10:1 herbal powdered extracts with no added fillers. A small amount diluted in warm water or added into your smoothie can assist the Heart Chi, as well as Heart spirit.